Contents of Example Data Set Based on NHANES 2003-2004, Age 20+, Smoking Status Known: Nonsmokers or Smokers 1 15:12 Monday, July 8, 2013 The CONTENTS Procedure Data Set Name WORK.DATA_HEI2010_NONSMOK_SMOK_AG20P Observations 8556 Member Type DATA Variables 49 Engine V9 Indexes 0 Created Monday, July 08, 2013 03:12:11 PM Observation Length 392 Last Modified Monday, July 08, 2013 03:12:11 PM Deleted Observations 0 Protection Compressed NO Data Set Type Sorted YES Label Data Representation SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 Encoding latin1 Western (ISO) Engine/Host Dependent Information Data Set Page Size 32768 Number of Data Set Pages 104 First Data Page 1 Max Obs per Page 83 Obs in First Data Page 59 Number of Data Set Repairs 0 Filename /workE/SAS_work740100002878_muskie/data_hei2010_nonsmok_smok_ag20p.sas7bdat Release Created 9.0202M3 Host Created Linux Inode Number 1610616194 File Size (bytes) 3416064 Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes # Variable Type Len Label 4 D_TOTAL Num 8 Total number of milk group (milk, yogurt & cheese) cup equivalents, includes soy milk 34 EMPTYCAL10 Num 8 Empty Energy (kcal) from sugar, fat, alcohol - use in HEI2010 12 FRTJUICE Num 8 Total number of fruit juice cup equivalents 5 G_NWHL Num 8 Number of non-whole grain ounce equivalents 3 G_WHL Num 8 Number of whole grain ounce equivalents 35 NONEMPTYCAL10 Num 8 Non-Empty Energy (kcal) from all but sugar, fat, alcohol - use in HEI2010 1 SEQN Num 8 Respondent sequence number 15 TMFAT Num 8 Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm) 16 TPFAT Num 8 Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm) 14 TSFAT Num 8 Total saturated fatty acids (gm) 13 TSODI Num 8 Sodium (mg) 41 age20_30 Num 8 42 age31_50 Num 8 43 age51_70 Num 8 38 male Num 8 44 male_age20_30 Num 8 45 male_age31_50 Num 8 46 male_age51_70 Num 8 47 male_raceeth_mexam Num 8 48 male_raceeth_nhsblk Num 8 8 oBEANGRN Num 8 original Number of dark-green vegetable cup equivalents, excl legumes 9 oLEGUMES Num 8 original Number of cooked dry beans and peas cup equivalents 10 oNONBEANGRN Num 8 original Number of vegetable cup equivalents, excluding legumes and dark-green veg 11 oNONSEAPLANT Num 8 original Oz equivalents of lean meat from non-seafood and plants, excl legumes 7 oSEAPLANT Num 8 original Oz equivalents of lean meat from seafood and plants (fish+soy+nut), excl legumes 39 raceeth_mexam Num 8 40 raceeth_nhsblk Num 8 36 recallday2 Num 8 6 recseq Num 8 recall sequence 49 smoker Num 8 17 w0304_0 Num 8 Integerized day 1 dietary full-sample weight 18 w0304_1 Num 8 Replicate 1, integerized 19 w0304_2 Num 8 Replicate 2, integerized 20 w0304_3 Num 8 Replicate 3, integerized 21 w0304_4 Num 8 Replicate 4, integerized 22 w0304_5 Num 8 Replicate 5, integerized 23 w0304_6 Num 8 Replicate 6, integerized 24 w0304_7 Num 8 Replicate 7, integerized 25 w0304_8 Num 8 Replicate 8, integerized 26 w0304_9 Num 8 Replicate 9, integerized 27 w0304_10 Num 8 Replicate 10, integerized 28 w0304_11 Num 8 Replicate 11, integerized 29 w0304_12 Num 8 Replicate 12, integerized 30 w0304_13 Num 8 Replicate 13, integerized 31 w0304_14 Num 8 Replicate 14, integerized 32 w0304_15 Num 8 Replicate 15, integerized 33 w0304_16 Num 8 Replicate 16, integerized 37 weekend Num 8 2 wholefrt Num 8 Total number of whole fruit cup equivalents Sort Information Sortedby SEQN recseq Validated YES Character Set ASCII