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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Methodology: Search Strings - NCS Dietary Assessment Literature Review

Search Strings to Search the Databases for Relevant Documents
1. (Food intake or diet or nutrition or eating or nutrient intake) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (Pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
2. (Diet or Dietary) AND (Supplement* or Dietary supplement or Multivitamin or pill) AND (assessment* or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog*)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy) AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
3. (Dietary pattern or food intake pattern or eating pattern or meal pattern or food consumption pattern or food habits) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog*)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy) or (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
4a. (Food frequency questionnaire or FFQ) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor) AND (methods* or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
4b. (Food frequency questionnaire or FFQ) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
5a. (Diet Record or Food Record or Food Diary or Diet Diary) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog* ) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
5b. (Diet Record* or Food Record* or Food Diar* or Diet Diar*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
6a. (Diet Recall or Food Recall or 24-Hour Recall) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
6b. (Diet Recall or Food Recall or 24-Hour Recall) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
7a. Diet History Questionnaire or DHQ) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor*) AND (methods or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
7b. (Diet History or DHQ) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
8. (Herbal or food or nutritional* or natural or health or herbal remedy) AND Supplement* AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor) AND (methods* or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
9. (Energy balance or energy intake or energy expenditure or doubly labeled water or DLW) AND (assessment or evaluation or monitor) AND (methods or method or methodolog*) AND (validation or validity or valid* or reproducibility of results)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy)
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
10. (Lead or Mercury or acrylamide or pesticide) AND (contamination or exposure) AND (measure* or instrument) AND (diet or food)
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
11. (Nutrition surveys[mesh] OR diet surveys[mesh] AND (energy intake[MAJR] OR eating[MAJR] OR Food Intake) AND assessment
All children 0-18 years
AND (pregnant or pregnancy or breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)
12. Searches in Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews database and author searches
AND (breastfeed* or breastfed or lactation or lactating or lactate*)