EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News
October 2024
- Existing Biospecimen Collections Can Open Doors to New Cancer Research
- New Funding Opportunities
- Grants Policy Announcements
- Requests for information
- NCI Training Opportunities
- News and Blog Posts

Existing Biospecimen Collections Can Open Doors to New Cancer Research
As cancer research becomes increasingly multidisciplinary, the ability of researchers, especially trainees and early stage investigators, to access data and specimens from multiple sources can be key to success.
Cohort studies in particular, such as the NCI-supported cohorts in the Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program’s (EGRP) grant portfolio, can provide opportunities for these types of collaborations.
For example, the Colon Cancer Family Registry, provided samples that aided in the generation of premarket accuracy data for an automated system (the Idylla™ Test
) for determining microsatellite instability status in colorectal cancer patients to screen for Lynch Syndrome.
As another example, data and resources from two prospective cohort studies, the Black Women’s Health Study and Southern Community Cohort Study
, enabled research into the role of the oral microbiome in pancreatic cancer in African Americans. Leveraging data from these studies allowed analysis of a rare cancer in an understudied population.
How can I find and access existing data, biospecimens, and potential collaboration partners for my cancer epidemiology study?
EGRP maintains a web page with information and links to biospecimen resources that may be of interest to cancer epidemiologists.
Two databases that are supported by NCI to facilitate sharing of data and biospecimen resources and findability of data (according to FAIR principles) include:
- Cancer Epidemiology Descriptive Cohort Database (CEDCD): This database allows users to search by “Biospecimen Count” and filter on the epidemiologic cohort, cancer site, and biospecimen type.
- Specimen Resource Locator (SRL): This resource allows users to search by specimen type and cancer site/histology, and filter on “Specimen Annotations” to identify collections with the desired criteria.
Investigators are advised to check both databases because they may contain different studies. Access to data or biospecimens is dependent on procedures outlined for each individual study or resource, and you are encouraged to reach out to the individual study/cohort.
How can I publicize that biospecimens from my study are available to other researchers?
- If the biospecimen resource/collection is part of a cancer epidemiology cohort, the biospecimen information, including details regarding how to access the biospecimens, can be entered into the CEDCD. Even if your resource is in the CEDCD, it is also beneficial to list the resource in the SRL since the databases tend to attract different audiences, as well as have different study and biospecimen search criteria.
- Any biospecimen resource/collection (it does not need to be funded by NCI) can be entered into the SRL. Repository managers of domestic and publicly funded repositories that wish to make biospecimens more widely available to the cancer research community may submit an inquiry to add their repository to the SRL collections.
Please contact Dr. Danielle Carrick ( with any biospecimen-related questions, Crystal Lane ( with CEDCD-related questions, and Joanne Demchok ( with SRL-related questions.
New Funding Opportunities
- RFA-MD-24-010, Environmental Health Disparities Centers (P50, Clinical Trial Optional)
- There will be a pre-application webinar on November 14, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET.
- Scaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT)
- RFA-CA-25-009, Lung Cancer Screening (UG3/UH3, Clinical Trial Required)
- RFA-CA-25-010, Tobacco Use Treatment for Cancer Survivors (UG3/UH3, Clinical Trial Required)
- There was a pre-application webinar on October 28, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET.
- RFA-RM-24-011, Pilot Projects to Enhance Utility and Usage of Data Sets from the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (R03, Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
- RFA-RM-24-009, Human Virome Program: Developing Novel and Innovative Tools to Interrogate and Annotate the Human Virome (U01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- PAR-24-304, Revision Applications for Validation of Biomarker Assays Developed Through NIH-Supported Research Grants (R01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Assay Validation of High Quality Markers for Clinical Studies in Cancer
- PAR-25-074, (UH2/UH3, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- PAR-25-075, (UH3, Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
- PAR-25-082, Co-infection and Cancer (R01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- PAR-25-078, NCI Small Grants Program for Cancer Research (NCI Omnibus) (R03, Clinical Trial Optional)
- PAR-25-098, Interventions to Expand Cancer Screening and Preventive Services to ADVANCE Health in Populations that Experience Health Disparities (R01, Clinical Trial Required)
- PAR-25-130, The Metastasis Research Network (MetNet): MetNet Research Projects (U01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- PAR-25-213, Implementation Research for Multi-morbidity Management in the Context of Non-communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries and US Tribal Populations (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Epidemiologic Research on Emerging Risk Factors and Liver Cancer Susceptibility
- PA-25-212, Innovation Corps at NIH Program for NIH and CDC Translational Research (Admin Supp, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- NOT-OD-25-015, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplement for Research and Capacity Building Efforts Related to Bioethical Issues (Admin Supp, Clinical Trial Optional)
- NOT-CA-25-004, NOSI: Administrative Supplements for Assessing Capacity to Address Obesity for Cancer Prevention and Control
- There will be a pre-application webinar on November 18, 2024, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET.
- NOT-DK-24-029, NOSI: Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions (R01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- NOT-OD-24-179, NOSI: Research on the Health of Women of Underrepresented, Underserved, and Underreported (U3) Populations (Admin Supp, Clinical Trial Optional)
- NOT-RM-24-013, NOSI: Administrative Supplements to Active NIH Awards to Support Replication Studies Using Independent Contract Resources
- NOT-CA-24-110, Notice of Participation of National Cancer Institute in PA-25-080: NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- NOT-PM-25-001, Notice of Future Other Transactions Research Opportunity Announcement for All of Us Research Program Biobank
Grants Policy Announcements
- NOT-OD-24-178, Final Scientific Integrity Policy of the National Institutes of Health
- NOT-OD-25-005, Retirement of NIH’s eRA Commons Demo
- NOT-OD-25-010, NIH Operates Under a Continuing Resolution
Requests for information
- NOT-DK-24-026, Request for Information on Research Strategies for Addressing Obesity Heterogeneity (responses due by November 29, 2024)
NCI Training Opportunities
- Early Investigator Advancement Program (applications are due by November 1, 2024)
- Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE) Program (applications are due by November 25, 2024)
News and Blog Posts
- New NIH Research Awards Support Community-Led Research to Reduce Health Disparities
- A Commitment to Early-Stage Investigators and Community Engagement
- Attention New Grant Administrators and Researchers: Join Us for a Virtual, Interactive, NIH Grants Process Primer
- The How and Why of Recovery of Grant Funds
- As More People with Cancer Use Medical Cannabis, Oncologists Face Questions They Struggle to Answer
- Program Connects Adolescents and Young Adults to Quality Cancer Care
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EGRP staff can answer questions on grant funding, policies, and research resources. If you do not know who to contact we will do our best to connect you with someone who can help you.
Email Us(240) 276-6730