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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Sample Cancer Epidemiology Grant Applications


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) frequently receives questions from investigators for examples of successfully funded grant applications. Several investigators and their organizations agreed to let the Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program (EGRP) post excerpts of their grant applications online. The applications in the table below are excellent examples of grantsmanship.

Additional Details

EGRP is grateful to the investigators for enabling EGRP to share these applications as a valuable resource for other investigators. Certain details were redacted, such as social security numbers, budgets, home addresses, and phone numbers. Additionally, to minimize the file size, EGRP excluded sections of the original application that provide routine details, such as lists of performance sites and key personnel, biographical sketches, and bibliographies. As a result, the grant applications accessible through the links below do not include all sections that appear in the SF424 (R&R) used to apply for grants.

The text of the grant applications is copyrighted. Investigators and others may use the text from these same applications only for nonprofit educational purposes provided the content remains unchanged and the Principal Investigator(s), their organization(s), and NCI are credited.

To view more sample grant applications from NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, please visit

Sample Applications

Note: These sample grant applications predate NIH grants policy changes, including NIH’s Data Management and Sharing Policy (effective January 25, 2023) and the simplified review framework criteria (effective January 25, 2025). Please refer to the NIH Grants Policy and NCI Grants Policy to ensure your application is in full compliance.

R37: Obesity, Chemotherapy Dosing, and Breast Cancer Outcomes

Principal Investigator

Elizabeth Kantor, PhD, MPHExternal Web Site Policy, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Grant Mechanism & Award Number

R37 CA222793-04

R03: Immune-Regulating MHC Class I-Like Proteins and Colorectal Cancer Risk

Principal Investigator

Anna Prizment, PhDExternal Web Site Policy, University of Minnesota

Grant Mechanism & Award Number

R03 CA249461-02

R01: Next Generation of HPV and Cervical Cancer Research in HIV+ Women

Principal Investigator

Howard Strickler, MDExternal Web Site Policy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Grant Mechanism & Award Number

R01 CA230331-05

R21: Estimation and Association Analysis of Biomarkers for Tumor Immune Microenvironment

Principal Investigator

Wei Sun, PhDExternal Web Site Policy, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Grant Mechanism & Award Number

R21 CA224026-02