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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Metabolic Equivalent of Task Values for Activities in American Time Use Survey and 2002 Census Occupational Classification System

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Table 3: Summary MET values for most Major Categories in ATUS (Occupation and Traveling excepted)
Major CategoryGeneral CategorySpecific CategorySummary MET value
01 Personal Care01 Sleeping01 Sleeping0.92
01 Personal Care01 Sleeping02 Sleeplessness1.00
01 Personal Care01 Sleeping99 Sleeping, n.e.c.0.94
01 Personal Care02 Grooming01 Washing, dressing and grooming oneself2.10
01 Personal Care02 Grooming99 Grooming, n.e.c.2.10
01 Personal Care03 Health-related Self Care01 Health-related self care1.29
01 Personal Care03 Health-related Self Care99 Self care, n.e.c.1.29
01 Personal Care04 Personal Activities01 Personal/Private Activities1.04
01 Personal Care04 Personal Activities99 Personal activities, n.e.c.1.04
01 Personal Care05 Personal Care Emergencies01 Personal emergencies1.52
01 Personal Care05 Personal Care Emergencies99 Personal care, emergencies, n.e.c.1.52


  • n.e.c.: not elsewhere classified.
  • MET: metabolic equivalent. 1 MET is defined as the energy to lie/sit quietly. It is equivalent to a metabolic rate of consuming 3.5 mL O2/kg/minute.
  • HH: household.

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