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An official website of the United States government
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

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NCI Cohort Consortium Project Hub

The NCI Cohort Consortium Project Hub is a searchable data management system designed for two main purposes:

  1. To track and report on the activities of NCI Cohort Consortium projects and project groups in an efficient manner.
  2. To automate the proposal process for new NCI Cohort Consortium projects, including the electronic submission, review, tracking, and reporting of project proposals.

The website includes:

  • A list of active and completed consortium projects / project groups, including details for each project
  • A list of approved proposals for NCI Cohort Consortium projects, including details for each project
  • Data sharing and publications policies and processes of consortium projects /project groups
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles by NCI Cohort Consortium projects/groups
  • Annual progress reports and updates from projects / project groups
  • A list of cohorts participating in the different projects / project groups

Website users can perform the following actions:

  • Browse/search approved consortium proposals, projects and their status (active or completed)
  • Run or create reports based on specific search criteria of interest (by cancer site, project status, etc.)
  • Submit new project proposals
  • Update and submit information electronically, e.g., updates and annual progress reports, contact information, project specific aims, and publications. (This function is only available to project group leaders)

These website functions can help a user make an informed decision on whether to join a current project / project group, submit a new proposal to address an identified research gap, or communicate directly with the project/project group or project leaders to discuss opportunities to collaborate on new or existing research ideas within the consortium.

Please Contact Us with any questions or feedback about this website.