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Questions Added or Modified on C-DHQ II:
Water: Added sub-category for water with added vitamins/minerals.
Wine: Added sub-category for red wine.
Cooked breakfast cereals: Added Red River; added sub-category for oatmeal, other cooked cereals with fat added; added sub-category for oatmeal, other cooked cereals with added milk.
Cold breakfast cereal: Brands changed in sub-categories.
Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts: Separated into two questions.
French fries: Includes poutine.
Bread or rolls as part of sandwiches: Includes flatbreads (such as pita, roti or tortilla).
Bread or rolls NOT as part of sandwiches: Includes flatbreads (such as pita, roti or tortilla).
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers NOT from a fast food or restaurant: Added extra lean to the sub-category for burgers made with lean ground beef.
Hot dog: Added wieners.
Fish: Sub-category "other fish not fried" replaced with white or lean fish.
Meat: Added meat cooking questions (outside and inside appearance after cooking).
Tofu, soy burgers, or soy meat-substitutes: Tofu in a separate question from soy burgers/soy meat substitutes.
Soup: Bean soup sub-category includes bean, pea, and lentil soups.
Biscuits: Includes baking powder biscuits, scones and tea biscuits.
Nuts: Does not include seeds; added a sub-category for peanuts.
Ice cream: Does not include sherbet.
Hot tea: Added sub-category for green, herbal, and decaffeinated.
List of artificial sweeteners modified to include:
- Equal, NutraSweet, or aspartame;
- Sweet'N Low or cyclamate;
- Splenda or sucralose;
- Hermesetas or saccharin;
- Herbal sweeteners like Stevia.
Foods, beverage or supplement line items added:
- Milkshakes;
- Berries: blueberries, raspberries, Saskatoon berries or blackberries;
- Baked beans;
- Flaxseeds;
- Other seeds: sunflower or pumpkin seeds; and
- Coffee drinks (latte, mocha, cappuccino, or frappucino).
Foods eaten in the past month at least three times added to list:
- Beef jerky;
- Dark chocolate;
- Dried curcumin, turmeric;
- Dried oregano;
- Fresh basil, cilantro or parsley; and
- Game meat.
Vitamin and mineral supplements added: Prenatal subcategory to multivitamins; vitamin D, folic acid/folate.
Herbal, botanical, or other supplements taken more than once per week added: red clover.
Questions Deleted from C-DHQII:
Carrot juice.
Water: Sub-category for bottled, unsweetened water.
Wine: Wine coolers.
Cooked cereal: Grits.
Potato chips: Sub-category for fat-free potato chips.
Corn or tortilla chips: Sub-category for fat-free corn chips or tortilla chips.
Hot coffee: Coffee drinks such as latte, mocha, or frappuccino.
Chips: Sub-category for low-fat, or fat-free chips.
Cheese: Sub-category for fat-free cheese.
Cake: Sub-category for light, low-fat, or fat-free cake.
Cookies or brownies: Sub-category for light, low-fat, or fat free cookies or brownies.
Sweet muffins or dessert breads: Sub-category for light, low-fat, or fat-free sweet muffins or dessert breads.
Margarine: Sub-category for regular-fat margarine, or fat-free margarine.
Mayonnaise: Sub-category for regular-fat mayonnaise, or fat-free mayonnaise.
Sour cream: Sub-category for regular-fat sour cream.
Cream cheese: Sub-category for regular-fat cream cheese.
Salad dressing: Sub-category for regular-fat types.
Seasonality questions (summer and rest of the year): Soft drinks, beer, cooked cereal, soups.
Single supplements taken more than once per week: Folic acid, vitamin D.
Foods eaten in the past month at least three times:
- Milkshakes or ice-cream sodas;
- oysters.