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An official website of the United States government
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Diet History Questionnaire II: Frequency Formats

Alternate Version Available

You are viewing the web site for DHQ II. The latest version for the U.S. is theĀ DHQ III; however, DHQ III does not yet have a Canadian version. The Canadian version of DHQ II is still available.

These are the frequency formats defined in the codebooks for the NCI versions of the DHQ. You may modify or add formats by editing the Questionnaire Data Dictionary.

Frequency Format #1:
(Beverages other than coffee/tea)

0 = 1 time per month or less
1 = 2-3 times per month
2 = 1-2 times per week
3 = 3-4 times per week
4 = 5-6 times per week
5 = 1 time per day
6 = 2-3 times per day
7 = 4-5 times per day
8 = 6 or more times per day

Frequency Format #2:
(Foods other than question 39 on DHQ-1)

0 = 1-6 times per year (or per winter, summer, season)
1 = 7-11 times per year (or per winter, summer, season)
2 = 1 time per month
3 = 2-3 times per month
4 = 1 time per week
5 = 2 times per week
6 = 3-4 times per week
7 = 5-6 times per week
8 = 1 time per day
9 = 2 or more times per day

Frequency Format #3:
(Question 39 on DHQ-1, fat added after cooking or at table)

0 = 1-6 times per year
1 = 7-11 times per year
2 = 1 time per month
3 = 2-3 times per month
4 = 1-2 times per week
5 = 3-4 times per week
6 = 5-6 times per week
7 = 1 time per day
8 = 2 times per day
9 = 3 or more times per day

Frequency Format #4:
(Coffee, iced & hot tea, additives to these)

0 = Less than 1 cup per month
1 = 1-3 cups per month
2 = 1 cup per week
3 = 2-4 cups per week
4 = 5-6 cups per week
5 = 1 cup per day
6 = 2-3 cups per day
7 = 4-5 cups per day
8 = 6 or more cups per day

Frequency Format #5:

0 = Less than 1 day per month
1 = 1-3 days per month
2 = 1-3 days per week
3 = 4-6 days per week
4 = Every day

Frequency Format #6:
(Summary questions for vegetables, fruits)

0 = Less than 1 per week
1 = 1-2 per week
2 = 3-4 per week
3 = 5-6 per week
4 = 1 per day
5 = 2 per day
6 = 3 per day
7 = 4 per day
8 = 5 or more per day