These are the frequency formats defined in the codebooks for the NCI versions of the DHQ. You may modify or add formats by editing the Questionnaire Data Dictionary.
Frequency Format #1:
(Beverages other than coffee/tea)
0 = 1 time per month or less
1 = 2-3 times per month
2 = 1-2 times per week
3 = 3-4 times per week
4 = 5-6 times per week
5 = 1 time per day
6 = 2-3 times per day
7 = 4-5 times per day
8 = 6 or more times per day
Frequency Format #2:
(Foods other than question 39 on DHQ-1)
0 = 1-6 times per year (or per winter, summer, season)
1 = 7-11 times per year (or per winter, summer, season)
2 = 1 time per month
3 = 2-3 times per month
4 = 1 time per week
5 = 2 times per week
6 = 3-4 times per week
7 = 5-6 times per week
8 = 1 time per day
9 = 2 or more times per day
Frequency Format #3:
(Question 39 on DHQ-1, fat added after cooking or at table)
0 = 1-6 times per year
1 = 7-11 times per year
2 = 1 time per month
3 = 2-3 times per month
4 = 1-2 times per week
5 = 3-4 times per week
6 = 5-6 times per week
7 = 1 time per day
8 = 2 times per day
9 = 3 or more times per day
Frequency Format #4:
(Coffee, iced & hot tea, additives to these)
0 = Less than 1 cup per month
1 = 1-3 cups per month
2 = 1 cup per week
3 = 2-4 cups per week
4 = 5-6 cups per week
5 = 1 cup per day
6 = 2-3 cups per day
7 = 4-5 cups per day
8 = 6 or more cups per day
Frequency Format #5:
0 = Less than 1 day per month
1 = 1-3 days per month
2 = 1-3 days per week
3 = 4-6 days per week
4 = Every day
Frequency Format #6:
(Summary questions for vegetables, fruits)
0 = Less than 1 per week
1 = 1-2 per week
2 = 3-4 per week
3 = 5-6 per week
4 = 1 per day
5 = 2 per day
6 = 3 per day
7 = 4 per day
8 = 5 or more per day