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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Workshop to Facilitate Cancer Systems Epidemiology Research

Workshop to Facilitate Cancer Systems Epidemiology Research, February 28 – March 1, 2019, Bethesda, MD


The availability of high throughput -omic technologies, novel devices for exposure assessment, and electronic medical records have the potential to facilitate a more comprehensive study of risk factors contributing to development of and outcomes from cancer.

Despite individual successes at identifying genetic, biological, and environmental risk factors for cancer, much of the etiology remains unexplained. This may be due in part to the limited focus of many studies on a single or small set of risk factors or data types (i.e. measures such as DNA sequence, methylation data, variables from questionnaires). Moreover, many studies fail to consider the complexities and interrelations among multiple risk factors and associated outcomes. For example, each individual risk factor, such as a single dietary component or genetic polymorphism, occurs in a broader biological (e.g. pathways) or societal (e.g. individual in social network) context which could modulate the effect of individual risk factors on disease. Further, many risk factors for disease can be highly correlated with possible interactive, synergistic, or attenuating effects. Importantly, risk factors can change over time.

Cancer Systems Epidemiology Insights and Future Opportunities

A collection of seven papers that highlight findings based on systems epidemiology approaches and opportunities for the future. This collection stems from discussions during NCI’s 2019 Workshop.

View CollectionExternal Web Site Policy

A more comprehensive, systems modeling based type of approach, which accounts for multiple dimensions, integration of diverse data types, and changes over time, is needed to better understand contributors to disease and treatment outcomes and provide clues for improved intervention.


The objective of this workshop was to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion about the application of systems modeling approaches for population-based cancer epidemiology research. By bringing together scientists from various fields that use systems modeling the workshop aimed to:

  • Identify ideas and strategies to improve understanding of systems modeling among population scientists and epidemiology amongst modelers;
  • Share lessons learned in the application of systems approaches from other fields (e.g. cancer biology)
  • Identify of potential high-impact use cases for systems modeling in population science;
  • Increase understanding of potential barriers and facilitators to taking a system modeling approach in population science (including dataset availabilities, data and methods needs)
  • Establish new collaborative interdisciplinary relationships between statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, bioinformaticians, epidemiologists, and clinicians.


View agenda for February 28, 2019

Thursday, February 28 Topic
9:00 a.m.

Kathy J. Helzlsouer, MD, MHS
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), NCI

9:15 a.m.

Introduction to the Meeting
Leah E. Mechanic, PhD, MPH

9:35 a.m.

State of the Science

Systems Epidemiology: Definitions, Applications, and Common Misconceptions
Bruce Y. Lee, MD
Johns Hopkins University

Group Discussion
Leah Mechanic, PhD, MPH

Elizabeth M. Gillanders, PhD

10:40 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m.

Successes and Challenges in Systems Modeling (Session I)

What Can We Learn from the NIH Obesity Modeling Network – Envision?
Patricia Mabry, PhD
Health Partners Institute

Systems Approach to Distinguish Aggressive Cancer vs. Benign Breast Lesions: Opportunities and Challenges
Victoria L. Seewaldt, MD
City of Hope

Successes and Challenges to Population Modeling of Breast Cancer in the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET)
Amy Trentham-Dietz, PhD
University of Wisconsin

Panel and Group Discussion
Jill Reedy, PhD, MPH, RD

Marissa Shams-White, PhD, LAc, MPH

12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m.

Successes and Challenges in Systems Modeling (Session II)

Using SEER Data to Develop Synthetic Cancer Trajectories that Enable Cancer Research
Sarah E. Michalak, PhD
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Challenges and Considerations for Synthetic Data: A Study based on SEER Population
Ana Paula Sales, PhD
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Nucleotides to Neighborhoods – Integrating Complex Spatial, Behavioral, and Multi-omits Data
Marta Jankowska, PhD
University of California at San Diego

Panel and Group Discussion
Gabriel Lai, PhD

Brionna Hair, PhD, MPH

3:00 p.m. Break
3:20 p.m.

Successes and Challenges in Systems Modeling (Session III)

Collaborative Science through Collaborative Software
Danielle Ciofani, BS
Broad Institute

Systems Approach to Risk Score Prediction in Epidemiology
John Witte, PhD
University of California San Francisco

Learning to Impute Methylome Signatures and Environmental Measures into Biobanks
Nancy J. Cox, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Panel and Group Discussion
Melissa Rotunno, PhD

Rolando Barajas, MPH

4:50 p.m.

Dissemination and Implementation of Systems Modeling: How can these methods be applied? How can methods be interpreted and translated?

Stacy Lindau, MD, MA
University of Chicago

Nico Pronk, PhD, MA
Health Partners Institute

Amy Trentham-Dietz, PhD
University of Wisconsin

Panel and Group Discussion
Patricia Mabry, PhD
Health Partners Institute

Marissa Shams-White, PhD, LAc, MPH

5:40 p.m. Adjourn

View agenda for March 1, 2019

Friday, March 1 Topic
8:30 a.m.

Introduction and Charge for Day 2
Jill Reedy, PhD, MPH, RD

8:40 a.m.

Perspectives: What is the Ideal Future for Modeling in Epidemiological Studies (Panel Discussion)

Bruce Y. Lee, MD
Johns Hopkins University

Chirag Patel, PhD
Harvard Medical School

Sylvia Plevritis, PhD
Stanford Medicine

Marylyn D. Ritchie, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Panel and Group Discussion
Elizabeth M. Gillanders, PhD

Leah E. Mechanic, PhD, MPH

9:25 a.m. Break/Travel to Discussion Groups
9:40 a.m.

Discussion Sessions

Group 1: Facilitators and Barriers to Success
Robert A. Hiatt, MD, PhD
University of California San Francisco

Group 2: Opportunities for Systems Epidemiology
Frank Hu, MD, PhD
Harvard University

Group 3: Approaches and Methods
Lisa M. Klesges, PhD
University of Memphis

Group 4: Data Availability
Chris Amos, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine

Discussion Groups Summarize and Identify Priorities for Reporting

11:10 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m. Report Back and Group Discussion for Each Topic
12:50 p.m. Next Steps and Action Items
Elizabeth M. Gillanders, PhD
1:00 p.m. Adjourn

Workshop Summary

Barajas R, Hair B, Lai G, et al. Facilitating Cancer Systems Epidemiology ResearchExternal Web Site Policy. PLoS One. 2021 Dec 31;16(12):e0255328.

Planning Committee

NCI Staff

External Members

  • Bruce Y. Lee, MD, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University
  • Chirag Patel, PhDExternal Web Site Policy, Harvard Medical School
  • Marylyn D. Ritchie, PhDExternal Web Site Policy, Center for Translational Bioinformatics and Penn Center for Precision Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Sylvia K. Plevritis, PhDExternal Web Site Policy, Stanford School of Medicine


Questions about this Workshop can be directed to Leah Mechanic, PhD, MPH, Genomic Epidemiology Branch, EGRP.