EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News
March 2020
- What Investigators Need to Know about Updating Informed Consents for the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy
- Emergency Resources
- Funding Opportunities & Notices of Special Interest
- Grants Policy Notices
- Request for Information
- Solicitation for Proposals

What Investigators Need to Know about Updating Informed Consents for the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy
Depending on when specimens were collected, investigators may need to update their informed consent documents and processes in order to use these specimens for NIH-funded research falling under the GDS Policy.
What consent is required?
NIH's Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy requires that participants be informed that their specimens and data may be used in future research and that the data will be shared broadly. This consent requirement applies to both research and clinical specimens collected, or cell lines created, after the implementation date of the GDS Policy--January 25, 2015--even if the specimens are de-identified. For specimens collected or cell lines created before January 25, 2015, the requirement is different: consent does not have to explicitly address broad data sharing, although an IRB, privacy board, or equivalent body needs to determine that data sharing is not excluded by the participant's consent.
For projects expected to submit their data to an NIH repository under the GDS Policy, institutions must assure NIH and document through the Institution Certification that participants provided the appropriate consent based on when the samples to be used were collected or created. Additional information about Institutional Certification and official templates are available on the NIH website, along with GDS Policy guidance on required consent [PDF]. General information on required elements of informed consent, including how to address data sharing through repositories, is also available.
What are the consequences for not complying with the consent requirement?
In general, if the project falls under the NIH GDS Policy and the investigators do not have the appropriate GDS Policy consent for specimens collected after January 25, 2015, they will be unable to use these specimens for the project. In addition, genomic data generated from samples lacking this consent cannot be deposited into NIH controlled-access repositories, regardless of whether the project falls under the GDS Policy. Therefore, investigators should ensure that that their informed consent documents and processes are updated to comply with GDS Policy requirements.
While NCI leadership may, in rare cases, consider an exception to the NIH GDS Policy consent requirement if there is a "compelling scientific justification," investigators must provide an alternative data sharing plan outlining how they will still be able to make the data available to the scientific community. An exception requires the support of program leadership and the approval of the NCI Director.
Summary of GDS Policy Consent Expectations
When specimens were collected | Consent expectation under GDS Policy | Consequence if GDS consent requirement is not met |
On or after January 25, 2015 | "NIH expects that informed consent for future research use and broad data sharing will have been obtained even if the cell lines or clinical specimens are de-identified." |
Before January 25, 2015 | "[A]n assessment by an IRB, privacy board, or equivalent body is needed to ensure that data submission is not inconsistent with the informed consent provided by the research participant. NIH will accept data derived from de-identified cell lines or clinical specimens lacking consent for research use." | N/A |
What are the policies for sharing non-genomic data?
Some projects that don't generate genomic data may still be expected to share data broadly because of other NIH data sharing policies. Any project sharing data through an NIH-designated data repository will still need to affirm that participants provided appropriate consent for sharing their data broadly.
For further questions about the NIH GDS Policy, please contact EGRP Program Director Charlisse Caga-anan, J.D.
View more about NIH Data Sharing PoliciesEmergency Resources
Funding Opportunities & Notices of Special Interest
- Core Infrastructure Support for Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (U01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) Methods and Analysis for Populations of Diverse Ancestry (Study Sites U01 & Coordinating Center U01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Research to Reduce Morbidity and Improve Care for Pediatric, and Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Survivors (R01 & R21, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Support Enhancement of Software Tools for Open Science (NOT-OD-20-073)
- NOSI: Administrative Supplements for Research on Women’s Health in the IDeA States (NOT-GM-20-017)
- NOSI: Administrative Supplements for Development of Risk-Stratified Cancer Survivorship Care Algorithms (NOT-CA-20-038)
- NOSI: Availability of Administrative Supplements for Research in Geographically Underserved Areas (NOT-CA-20-035) Note: An informational webinar will take place on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 3:00pm EST to discuss this Notice of Special Interest. Register for webinar
- NOSI: Alcohol and Cancer Control (NOT-CA-20-034)
- NOSI: Administrative Supplement Opportunity to Stimulate or Strengthen Global Cancer Health Disparities Research (NOT-CA-20-032)
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for the Use of Existing Body Composition Data to Understand Treatment-Related Outcomes in Clinical Trials and Observational Studies (NOT-CA-20-036)
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for Understanding Aging Trajectories Among Cancer Survivors (NOT-CA-20-037)
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for Exploring the Intersection of Tobacco and Alcohol Use Behaviors for Cancer Control (NOT-CA-20-039)
Grants Policy Notices
- Notice on Policy Regarding Minimum Level of Effort for NCI-Funded Awards (NOT-CA-20-033)
- Reminder: FORMS-F Grant Application Forms & Instructions Must be Used for Due Dates On or After May 25, 2020- New Grant Application Instructions Now Available (NOT-OD-20-077)
Request for Information
- Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments and Suggestions on a Framework for the NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for FYs 2021-2025 (NOT-OD-20-064)
Solicitation for Proposals
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