The Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project (LIBCSP) had an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee of expert scientists and community breast cancer advocates. This committee was chaired by Dr. Mimi C. Yu. The committee met annually or as needed.
The members were:
Gerry Akland, MS, is Principal Scientist for Exposure Research, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is an expert in environmental exposure assessment. His research projects involve characterizing total human exposure from multiple pathways, including the measurement and risk assessment associated with pathways and mechanisms of exposure to environmental pollutants. He is retired from the Environmental Protection Agency where he was a Senior Scientist for Exposure Research.
Hoda Anton-Culver, PhD, is Professor and Chief, Epidemiology Division, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of California at Irvine. Dr. Anton-Culver is an expert in genetic and occupational epidemiology and environmental pathology.
Ann Aschengrau, ScD, is an Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Boston University. She is an expert in environmental and reproductive epidemiology. She was principal investigator of the Upper Cape Cancer Incidence Study which investigated the relationship between air and water pollution and cancer, including breast cancer, on Cape Cod, and currently is conducting research on occupational and behavioral risk factors for breast cancer among Cape Cod women.
Patricia A. Buffler, PhD, MPH, is Dean Emerita and Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley. She is an expert in environmental and cancer epidemiology, and has served on numerous state and national committees focusing on environmental issues and policies. She is currently investigating environmental and genetic aspects of childhood leukemia in Northern and Central California.
Mary B. Daly, MD, PhD, is Director of the Family Risk Assessment Program, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, which specializes in evaluating and counseling women with a familial risk of breast and ovarian cancer. As both an epidemiologist and medical oncologist, Dr. Daly is the principal investigator of several studies looking for preventable causes of cancer.
Beatrice Adderley-Kelly, PhD, RN, is an Associate Professor, Howard University School of Nursing, Washington, D.C. She has experience in outreach into minority communities.
Francine Kritchek* is a breast cancer survivor, a co-founder of the Long Island 1 in 9 Breast Cancer Action Coalition, and a member of the Long Island Breast Cancer Network.
Geri Barish, a co-founder of 1 in 9, serves as an alternate to Fran Kritchek.
Dee McCabe* is a representative of the American Cancer Society on Long Island and former Vice Chair of the Long Island Breast Cancer Network.
J. R. (Jay) Nuckols, PhD, MS, is an Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins. Dr. Nuckols is an expert in spatial information technology and analysis in environmental health sciences. His background is in engineering, with a special emphasis on environmental health, systems analysis and hydrology.
Carolyn Thompson Taylor* is a social worker who has retired from the Suffolk County Department of Health and remains an advocate for women's health including breast cancer. She has a special interest in minority group women.
Victoria White* is a breast cancer educator who is a member of the New York State Women's Advisory Council, Vice President of the African American Health Education and Development Foundation, and Chairperson of the Women of Color Coalition.
Mimi C. Yu, PhD,Chair, is Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Dr. Yu's research focuses on the relationship between diet/nutrition and cancer risk.
Ex-officio community member:
Karen Joy Miller* is founder and president of the Huntington Breast Cancer Coalition. She is a founding member of 1 in 9 the Long Island Breast Cancer Action Coalition, a charter member of the Long Island Breast Cancer Network, and founding member of the New York State Breast Cancer Network. Ms. Miller also is Deputy Director of Human Service for the Town of Huntington.
Ex-officio member:
Clarissa Wittenberg is Director of the Office of Scientific Information, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, and former Director of Communications, LIBCSP.
* Community representatives
Last updated: 2002