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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Table 20. Estimated Regression Coefficients for Foods Predicting Cup Equivalents of Dairy by Sex

For cup equivalents of dairy, the model is:

E (Dairy) = b0+ b1Kid + b2Teen + b8NFG8P8 + b13NFG13P13 + b14NFG14P14 + b15NFG15P15

The estimates of the regression parameters are:

Parameter Mean Probability of
Low: < 1.2 High: ≥ 2.4
Intercept (b0) 0.946226 0.315070 -2.791733
Age: Kid group (b1) 0.454552 -1.019515 0.980356
Age: Teen group (b2) 0.195592 -0.501511 0.487979
Pizza (b8) 1.197550 -2.082372 2.064866
Cheese (b13) 0.614670 -1.123863 1.079254
Milk (b14) 0.627990 -0.958768 0.895491
Frozen desserts (b15) 3.041808 -5.542898 5.474738
Intercept (b0) 0.890477 0.864723 -4.343157
Age: Kid group (b1) 0.444110 -1.353947 1.385616
Age: Teen group (b2) 0.088547 -0.321946 0.335700
Pizza (b8) 1.096476 -2.629481 3.036849
Cheese (b12) 0.518081 -1.379765 1.453571
Milk (b14) 0.508564 -1.247257 1.248983
Frozen desserts (b15) 2.102278 -5.653456 6.191745

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