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Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

Reweight.pam and Adhere.pam Programs

Two additional programs, and, are provided to reproduce analyses conducted by NCI.

This program recalculates sample weights for the PAM subsample with one or more valid days of data and the subsample with four or more valid days of data. The revised sample weights make the selected sub-samples nationally representative.



  • in.pam_perday.reweighted (local)

This program uses accelerometer data to classify days as meeting the recommendation of 30 or more minutes (typically used for adults) or 60 or more minutes (typically used for children) of moderate or greater intensity activity. It uses a Bayesian approach to estimate the probability of a person meeting the recommendation on five of seven days, even if fewer than seven days are observed. This approach is described in Bayesian Adherence Estimation.



  • adhere (local)