Looking for the current Canadian version of DHQ?
The DHQ III is a web-based tool available in English and Spanish for research purposes. There are no paper forms available.
To begin a study using DHQ III go to the DHQ III Researcher website and create a new account. Once you log in with your new account, click the “Add New Study” button to begin creating a new study for which your respondents can complete the DHQ III. The researcher website is also where you will enter and edit details about your study, generate passwords for respondents, and, after your participants have completed their FFQs, obtain all your study data. New features of the DHQ III include the ability to customize your questionnaire (to delete items only) as well as the option to provide respondents with a Respondent Nutrition Report once they have completed the DHQ III.
Currently, DHQ III is not available for Canada, however, DHQ II-Canada is still available for use. Check back for updates on when a new version of the Canadian DHQ will be launched. The new web-based version will have an updated food list, nutrient and food group database. Canadian researchers may want to wait to register a new study until DHQ III is available.