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Lisa Gallicchio, PhD
Program Director, Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Branch
Tram K. Lam, PhD, MPH
Program Director, Environmental Epidemiology Branch
Mukesh Verma, PhD
Branch Chief, Methods and Technologies Branch
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has targeted the reduction of cancer-related disparities as an important challenge. Cancer disparities are adverse differences in cancer measures between certain population groups, such as the incidence; prevalence; morbidity; mortality; survivorship and quality of life after cancer treatment; and burden of cancer or related health conditions, screening rates, and stage at diagnosis.
These population groups may be characterized by gender, age, race, ethnicity, education, income, social class, disability, geographic location, or sexual identity.
The goal is to understand the causes of disparities in cancer and develop effective interventions to reduce or eliminate them.
Funding Opportunities
NCI-sponsored notices of funding opportunities related to health disparities include:
- NOSI: Stimulating Research to Understand and Address Hunger, Food, and Nutrition Insecurity - expires November 29, 2024
- Environmental Health Disparities Centers - expires December 6, 2024
RFA-MD-24-010 (P50, Clinical Trial Optional)
Note: There was a pre-application webinar on December 5, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. ET.
RFA-MD-24-010 (P50, Clinical Trial Optional)
- HEAL Initiative: JCOIN Phase II Community Engaged Research Resource Center - expires January 23, 2025
- RFA-DA-25-026 (U24, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Understanding the Intersection of Social Inequities to Optimize Health and Reduce Health Disparities: The Axes Initiative - expires March 11, 2025
- RFA-NR-24-006 (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- NOSI: Investigator-Initiated Research in Genomics and Health Equity - expires July 9, 2025
- RFA-HG-23-017 (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Notice of Special Interest in Research on Family Support and Rejection in the Health and Well-Being of SGM Populations - expires May 8, 2026
- NOSI: Addressing the Etiology of Health Disparities and Health Advantages Among Immigrant Populations - expires June 6, 2026
- NOT-MD-23-002 (R01)
- Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) - expires August 08, 2026
- PAR-23-166 (S06, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Improving Care and Outcomes for Cancer Survivors from Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations - expires January 8, 2027
- PAR-23-292 (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health – expires January 8, 2027
- PAR-23-298 (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- PAR-23-299 (R21, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations - expires January 8, 2027
- PAR-24-077 (R01, Clinical Trial Optional)
- Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity - expires January 8, 2027
- Interventions to Address Disparities in Liver Diseases and Liver Cancer - expires January 8, 2028
- PAR-24-207 (R01, Clinical Trials Optional)
EGRP joins with other NCI Divisions, Offices, and Centers and other Institutes and Centers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund grant applications submitted in response to notices of funding opportunities. View the full list of cancer control research funding opportunities.
EGRP also encourages investigator-initiated grant applications on health disparities topics.
Funded Projects
The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program (EGRP) supports a variety of research addressing health disparities. To learn more about EGRP's health disparities research portfolio, view a list of EGRP's active health disparities grants.
Upcoming Workshops
Please check back soon for information about upcoming events.
Past Workshops
The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program is dedicated to full accessibility and the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. We continuously strive to improve our recorded webinars' accessibility, recognizing that some may be more accessible than others. If you encounter any recorded webinar that does not meet your accessibility needs, please feel free to reach out to NCIDCCPSEGRPComms@mail.nih.gov.
- NCI Cancer Health Equity Ideation Minilabs (January 2024)
- Advancing Health Equity Through Culture-Centered Dietary Interventions to Address Chronic Diseases (September 28-29, 2023)
- Workshop on Housing and Obesity: Gaps, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Advancing Health Equity (November 14-15, 2022)
- Food Insecurity, Neighborhood Food Environment, and Nutrition Health: State of the Science (September 21-23, 2021)
- Cancer Epidemiology in Hispanic Populations (September 14-16, 2021)
- Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Think Tank (September 2020)
- Think Tank on Understudied Populations in Cancer Epidemiologic Research: Implications for Future Needs – Summary Manuscript (September 2015)
Related Research Resources
NCI and NIH resources that may be of interest to investigators interested in health disparities research include:
- NCI cancer health disparities research
- Resources from the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
- Resources from NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)
- Health disparities data and statistics
- National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) resources
- NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Research