ASA24-2024 | ASA24-2022 | ASA24-2020 | ASA24-2018 ASA24-Canada-2018 |
ASA24-2016, ASA24-Canada-2016, and ASA24-Australia-2016 | ASA24-2014, ASA24-Canada-2014 & ASA24-Kids-2014 | ASA24-Kids-2012 | ASA24-2011 (formerly referred to as Version 1) |
ASA24-Beta | |
General Information | |||||||||
Release Date | Apr. 2024 |
Aug. 2022 |
Mar. 2020 |
ASA24-2018: Nov. 2018 ASA24-Canada-2018: Apr. 2019 |
ASA24-2016: Mar. 2016 ASA24-Canada-2016: Oct. 2016 ASA24-Australia-2016: Dec. 2016 |
ASA24-2014 and ASA24-Kids-2014: Mar. 2014 ASA24-Canada-2014: Apr. 2014 |
Sept. 2012 | Sept. 2011 | Aug. 2009 |
Retirement Date | Apr. 2026 (tentative) | Apr. 2025 (tentative) | Aug. 31, 2023 | US Version: Nov. 30, 2021 Canada: N/A |
US Version: Apr. 15, 2020 Canada: Apr. 15, 2020 Australia: None planned |
Mar. 2017 | Mar. 2017 | Mar. 2017 | Jul. 2012 |
Cost | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Access | Available | Available | Retired | US Version: Retired Canada: Available |
US Version: Retired Canada: Retired Australia: Available |
Retired | Retired | Retired | Retired |
Mobile Enabled | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Interface | HTML5 | HTML5 | HTML5 | HTML5 | HTML5 | Required Silverlight plugin | Required Silverlight plugin | Required Silverlight plugin | Required Silverlight plugin |
Respondent Age | Adults and children | Adults and children | Adults and children | Adults and children | Adults and children |
ASA24-2014 & ASA24-Canada-2014: Adults ASA24-Kids-2014: Children ≥ 10 years |
Children ≥ 10 years | Adults | Adults |
Databases | |||||||||
Food codes and nutrient values | FNDDS 2019-20 | FNDDS 2017-18 | FNDDS 2015-16 | ASA-2018: FNDDS 2011-12 supplemented with new commonly consumed foods from FNDDS 2013-14 ASA24-Canada-2018: Canadian Nutrient File (CNF) 2015, SR28, FNDDS 2011-12 and FNDDS 2013-14 |
ASA24-2016: FNDDS 2011-12 ASA24-Canada-2016: CNF 2015 supplemented with FNDDS 2009-10 (version 5.0) and 2011-12 ASA24-Australia-2016: Australian Food, Supplement and Nutrient Database (AUSNUT) 2011-13 Nutrient File |
ASA24-2014 & ASA24-Kids-2014: FNDDS version 4.1 ASA24-Canada-2014: CNF 2015 |
FNDDS version 4.1 | FNDDS version 4.1 | FNDDS 1.0 |
FPED / MPED** | FPED 2019-20 | FPED 2017-18 | FPED 2015-16 | ASA24-2018: FPED 2011-12 supplemented with new Commonly consumed foods from FPED 2013-14 ASA24-Canada-2018: FPED 2011-12, supplemented with foods from FPED 2013-14, 2007 Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide |
ASA24-2016: FPED 2011-12 ASA24-Canada-2016: FPED 2011-12 ASA24-Australia-2016: Not available |
ASA24-2014 & ASA24-Kids-2014: MPED version 2.0 supplemented with the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion's MPED Addendum to allow compatibility with FNDDS 4.1. Nutritionists on the ASA24 team imputed values for nine food codes that USDA had not assigned MyPyramid Equivalents yet ASA24-Canada-2014: Not available |
MPED version 2.0 supplemented With the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion's MPED Addendum to allow compatibility with FNDDS 4.1. Nutritionists on the ASA24 team imputed values for nine food codes that USDA had not assigned MyPyramid Equivalents yet | MPED version 2.0 supplemented With the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion's MPED Addendum to allow compatibility with FNDDS 4.1. Nutritionists on the ASA24 team imputed values for nine food codes that USDA had not assigned MyPyramid Equivalents yet | MPED version 1.0 |
Supplement codes and nutrient values | NHANES DSD 2019-20 | NHANES DSD 2017-18 | NHANES DSD 2015-16 | ASA24-2018: NHANES DSD 2011-12 supplemented with commonly consumed supplements in NHANES DSD 2013-14 ASA24-Canada-2018: Licensed Natural Product Database & NHANES DSD 2007-2008 |
ASA24-2016: NHANES DSD 2011-12 ASA24-Canada-2016: Licensed Natural Product Database & NHANES DSD 2007-2008 ASA24-Australia-2016: AUSNUT 2011-13 Supplement File |
ASA24-2014 & ASA24-Kids-2014: NHANES DSD 2007-08 ASA24-Canada-2014: Licensed Natural Product Database & NHANES DSD 2007-2008 |
NHANES DSD 2007-2008 | NHANES DSD 2007-2008 | Not applicable |
Features | |||||||||
Type of Data Collection | 24-hour recalls and food records | 24-hour recalls and food records | 24-hour recalls and food records | 24-hour recalls and food records | 24-hour recalls and food records | 24-hour recalls | 24-hour recalls | 24-hour recalls | 24-hour recalls |
Search Method | Keyword search and filter same as ASA24 2020 | Keyword search and filter same as ASA24 2020 | Updated keyword search and filter | Keyword search and filter | Search and filter | Browse or search | Browse or search | Browse or search | Browse or search |
Recipe Feature | Available | Available | Available | Available | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available |
Dietary Assessment Type | Based on USDA's AMPM; adapted for use to collect food records | Based on USDA's AMPM; adapted for use to collect food records | Based on USDA's AMPM; adapted for use to collect food records | Based on USDA's AMPM; adapted for use to collect food records | Based on USDA's AMPM; adapted for use to collect food records | Based on USDA's AMPM | Based on USDA's AMPM | Based on USDA's AMPM | Based on USDA's AMPM |
Language Options | English and Spanish |
English and Spanish |
English and Spanish |
ASA24-2018: English, Spanish, and Polish* ASA24-Canada-2018: English and French |
ASA24-2016: English and Spanish ASA24-Canada-2016: English and French ASA24-Australia-2016: English |
ASA24-2014 & ASA24-Kids-2014: English and Spanish ASA24-Canada-2014: English |
English | English and Spanish | English |
Optional Modules | |||||||||
Location of meals | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available |
Television and computer use during meals | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Not available |
Whether meals were eaten alone or with others | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Not available |
Supplement intake | No longer an optional module | No longer an optional module | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Not available |
Query of the source of each food reported | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Not available | Not available | Not available |
Respondent Nutrition Report (RNR) | Available | Available | Available | Available | US & Canadian versions: Available Australian version: Not available |
Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available |
Sleep | Available | Available | Available November 2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available |
Additional Information | |||||||||
Reporting Period for Recalls | Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day Past 24-hours Complete in one or multiple sittings |
Midnight to midnight of previous day | Midnight to midnight of previous day | Midnight to midnight of previous day |
Reporting Period for Records | Single or multiple consecutive or nonconsecutive days | Single or multiple consecutive or nonconsecutive days | Single or multiple consecutive or nonconsecutive days | Single or multiple consecutive or nonconsecutive days | Single or multiple consecutive or nonconsecutive days | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Reporting of Dietary Supplements | Integrated into method used to collect foods and drinks throughout the day. Report supplements in the same way foods and drinks are reported throughout the day with extra prompts appear to respondent. |
Integrated into method used to collect foods and drinks throughout the day Report supplements in the same way foods and drinks are reported throughout the day with extra prompts appear to respondent. |
Integrated into method used to collect foods and drinks throughout the day Report supplements in the same way foods and drinks are reported throughout the day whether module is turned on or off. If it is on, then extra prompts appear to the respondent. |
Integrated into method used to collect foods and drinks throughout the day Report supplements in the same way foods and drinks are reported throughout the day whether module is turned on or off. If it is on, then extra prompts appear to the respondent. |
Integrated into method used to collect foods and drinks throughout the day Report supplements in the same way foods and drinks are reported throughout the day whether module is turned on or off. If it is on, then extra prompts appear to the respondent. |
Separate module administered after completion of foods and beverages | Separate module administered after completion of foods and beverages | Separate module administered after completion of foods and beverages | Separate module administered after completion of foods and beverages |
Respondent Help and Support | Context specific tips Instructional documents with Frequently Asked Questions |
Context specific tips Instructional documents with Frequently Asked Questions |
Context specific tips Instructional documents with Frequently Asked Questions |
Context specific tips Instructional documents with Frequently Asked Questions |
Context specific tips Instructional "help" documents with Frequently Asked Questions |
Animated guide "Walk through" instructions using audio and visual cues to guide respondents through transition points of the recall "Help" document with Frequently Asked Questions Ability to repeat context-specific animated guide instructions |
Animated guide "Walk through" instructions using audio and visual cues to guide respondents through transition points of the recall "Help" document with Frequently Asked Questions |
Animated guide "Walk through" instructions using audio and visual cues to guide respondents through transition points of the recall "Help" document with Frequently Asked Questions |
Animated guide Tutorial and “show-me” video clips |
Nutrition Analysis Files Availability | Generated files on demand for studies created | Generated files on demand for studies created | Generated files on demand for studies created | Generated files on demand for studies created on or after June 1, 2018. | Generated files on demand for studies created on or after June 1, 2018 and by the next morning for studies created before June1, 2018. Generated an “instant” report, ready in 10 minutes, of an individual respondent analysis of the last intake day. |
Batch downloads were available within 24 hours/next day | Batch downloads were available within 24 hours/next day | Batch downloads were available within 24 hours/next day |
AMPM, Automated Multiple-Pass Method; AUSNUT, Australian Food, Supplement, and Nutrient Database; Canadian Nutrient File, CNF; DSD, Dietary Supplement Database; FNDDS, Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies; FPED, Food Patterns Equivalents Database; MPED, My Pyramid Equivalents Database; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; RNR, Respondent Nutrition Report; United States Department of Agriculture, USDA
*Please contact the ASA24 Support Team for more information.
** The 2011, 2012 and 2014 versions of ASA24 provided food group output from the USDA MPED. SAS code is available to update analytic files with older food groups from MPEDs to FPEDs, as used in ASA24-2016 and subsequent versions.
ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.