The ASA24 researcher website allows researchers, clinicians, and educators to register a study, set study parameters, manage study logistics, and obtain output files.
The website allows researchers to set the following options:
- Collect 24-hour recalls or food records;
- For recalls, query intake from midnight-to-midnight of the previous day or for the past 24 hours (starting at the time of login);
- Have respondents complete a recall in one sitting (with breaks of no more than 30 minutes) or over a longer specified time interval;
- Have respondents complete a recall in a single or multiple session(s);
- For records, collect consecutive or non-consecutive day food records;
- Turn on optional modules to query where meals were eaten, whether meals were eaten alone or with others, television and computer use during meals, source of foods consumed, supplement intakes, and information about sleep.
- Provide Respondent Nutrition Reports to participants
- In the Demonstration version website, the optional Respondent Nutrition Report feature is turned on and the report can be viewed after a 24-hour recall has been entered.
- For recall, decide whether to have the Respondent Nutrition Report available at the end of a recall. For records, the Respondent Nutrition Report is only available to the researcher, who can then choose to give it to the respondent.
In addition, the website enables researchers to:
- Monitor study progress and obtain a variety of reports, including statistics for complete, incomplete, and upcoming recalls or records for each participant;
- Manage respondent user accounts;
- Use a wizard to generate recall dates for studies defined as "scheduled;"
- View information about recalls and records, including number of logins, session duration, language, calories, number of eating occasions, and number of food codes;
- Obtain a Respondent Nutrition Report;
- Obtain analysis files for 65 nutrients and 37 food groups (Note: Food groups are not included in Australian version of analysis files) based on the following databases:
- Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) for U.S. versions.
- Canadian Nutrient File
(CNF) for Canadian versions and the Australian Food, Supplement and Nutrient Database (AUSNUT) the Australian version.
- United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Patterns Equivalents Database (FPED) and the 2007 Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide (Canadian versions only) for ASA24-2024, ASA24-2022, ASA24-2020, ASA24-2018, ASA24-Canada-2018, ASA24-2016 and ASA24-Canada-2016 and the MyPyramid Equivalents Database (MPED), for ASA24-2014, and ASA24-Kids-2014. These provide food group estimates of consumed items.
ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.