Known issues with the ASA24 system and their fixes, if available, can be found for the following versions.
Earlier Versions of ASA24 (ASA24-2014, ASA24-Kids-2014, ASA24-2011, and ASA24-Kids-2012)
Notes Regarding Dietary Supplement Files
If you are using the dietary supplement module in ASA24-2011 and ASA24-2012-Kids, the TNS file contains total nutrient values for all foods, drinks, and supplements combined. However, by design, no data will appear in the TNS file for recalls where respondents reported no dietary supplement use. Data on total nutrient intakes for non-consumers of dietary supplements is included in the TN file only. If desired, Researchers can combine data from these two files to create a single total daily nutrient intake file that includes all study respondents. However, in ASA24-2014, recalls that include no reported supplements will now be included in the TNS file.
If a supplement is reported for which there are no known nutrients in the database, for example some herbal supplements, then the "DATACOMP" field in the TN file has a value of "2" (missing) and nutrient values of 0s. In ASA24-2014, the "DATACOMP" field in the TN file has a value of "3" (unknown) to denote that nutrient values do not exist in the ASA24 database but can be obtained from external sources.
Usability Issues
We are aware that a very small number of respondents may not understand the question, "How many slices of bread per sandwich?" and, therefore, when consuming more than one sandwich provide the total amount of slices for all sandwiches rather than for one sandwich. Because of this, we recommend that researchers review the MS file for these kinds of errors. Please see Recommendations for data cleaning [PDF - 272 KB] for suggestions regarding how to handle this.
Database Errors
Ongoing quality control checking, as well as Researcher reports and queries, have identified errors in the database that affect applied nutrient and food group values. These errors are documented below.
As errors are identified, the ASA24 team will make every effort to promptly notify Researchers and address errors. Typically, errors are addressed through one of the following two actions:
- The ASA24 database is corrected: Previously requested and downloaded analysis files may need to be reprocessed in order to apply the newly corrected values. In this case, Researchers will be required to submit a new analysis request using the Researcher Website. Once a correction is made, all data must be reprocessed before the analysis files will reflect the corrected values. As it takes time to reprocess data, Researchers will be notified by the ASA24 Help Desk when data have been reprocessed and corrected files are available for request. When possible, Researchers will be given an alternative means to apply corrections outside the system directly to their previously requested and downloaded analysis data files. Making the correction manually may be preferable if a Researcher does not want to wait until data have been reprocessed.
- Researcher must apply correction:
- In rare cases, a correction to the database cannot be applied to recalls collected prior to the correction. For example, in cases in which a question was missing, correcting the database to include the missing question will not correct for missing data in previously collected recalls. In such cases, Researchers will be provided with a fix to address the missing values. Researchers should apply the fix to their analysis files outside the ASA24 system to data for any recalls collected prior to the database correction.
- There are two instances in ASA24-2011 and ASA24-Kids-2012 in which a correction cannot be made. Researchers should review their analysis output files and determine if a correction needs to be made outside the ASA24 system.
Known Errors
- Error Number
- 32
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Errant nutrient value
- Short Description
- For supplement 1000616400 Benefiber 100% Natural Chewable supplements, the nutrient value per 3 tablets is 10000 mg, but should be 10 mg. This is an error in the dietary supplement file maintained by NCHS and will be corrected in the next version of the dietary supplement file.
- Identified Date
- March 2017
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Using the INS file, identify records where the entry in SupplCode is 1000616400. Note the Username and ReportingDate.
- Still using the INS file, for the identified records, divide the value in the SODI field by 1000.
- Correct the TS file by summing the kcal and all nutrient values in the INS file for the affected Username and ReportingDates and replacing the values in the TS file.
- Correct the TNS file by summing the values in the newly corrected TS file and the TN file for affected Username and ReportingDates.
- Error Number
- 31
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- For raisins, when the response was "More than 1 fruit", the portion was being calculated incorrectly.
- Identified Date
- March 2017
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Using the MS file, identify records where the entry in FoodListTerm is Raisins and the response for the variable FruitPortionWhole = More than 1 fruit. Note the value in SpinDial (e.g., how many raisins were reported).
Using Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum from step 1, identify affected records in the INF/INFMYPHEI file. For the identified records, if the HowMany in the INF/INFMYPHEI is equal to the value in SpinDial, this record needs to be corrected.
Multiply values in HowMany, FoodAmt, and all nutrients/components by the multiplier shown in Table 1.
Table 1
FoodListTerm FruitPortionWhole Foodcode Multiplier Raisins More than 1 fruit 62125100 0.0167 - In the INF/INFMYPHEI, replace the HowMany, FoodAmt, and nutrient/component values with the values calculated in step 2.
- In the TN/TNMYPHEI, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the INF/INFMYPHEI file for the affected UserNames and ReportingDates.
- In the TNS, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the values in the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the TN file and those in the TS file.
- Error Number
- 30
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- For hamburgers on bread or bun, the calculation of the amount for relish and hot sauce added as a spread is incorrect.
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Review the MS output file and identify records where the responses for the variable SandSpreadKind = Relish or = Hot Sauce. Note Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum and then filter the MS output file for that Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum to see if the last variable for the food is 'BurgerPortionSandwich'. If so, the Relish and/or Hot Sauce need to be corrected in the INF/INFMYPHEI files.
- Using Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum from step 1, identify affected records in the in the INF/INFMYPHEI file. For the record that has the foodcode associated with either Relish or Hot sauce from Table 1 below, multiply the values in HowMany, FoodAmt, and all nutrient/component values by the multiplier value below.
Table 1
FoodCode SandSpreadKind Multiplier 75511010 Hot sauce 0.0208 75503020 Relish 0.0625 - In the INF/INFMYPHEI, replace the HowMany, FoodAmt, and nutrient/component values with the values calculated in step 2.
- In the TN/TNMYPHEI, replace the nutrient/component values with the sum of the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the INF/INFMYPHEI for the affected UserNames and ReportingDates.
- In the TNS, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the values in the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the TN file and those in the TS file.
- Error Number
- 29
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- For Cherries from frozen, the respondent saw two identical choices for "More than 1 fruit." One of the responses caused the amount to be calculated incorrectly.
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Review the INF/INFMYPHEI output file and identify records where Foodcode = 63115200 and portion code = 62440 and HowMany is a whole number.
- If HowMany ≥ 3 go to step 3.
- If HowMany = 2 go to step 2.
- Using MS file and Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum from step 1a, identify records where value in SpinDial1=2; proceed to step 2. (NOTE: if the value in SpinDial1 is 20, this is not an error.)
- For the affected records in the INF/INFMYPHEI output file: multiply the value in fields HowMany, FoodAmt, and all nutrients/components by 0.1.
- In the INF/INFMYPHEI files, replace the HowMany, FoodAmt and all nutrient/component values with the values calculated in step 3.
- In the TN/TNMYPHEI files, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the INF/INFMYPHEI files for the affected UserNames/ReportingDates.
- In the TNS, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the values in the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the TN file and those in the TS file.
- Review the INF/INFMYPHEI output file and identify records where Foodcode = 63115200 and portion code = 62440 and HowMany is a whole number.
- Error Number
- 28
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- When the response was "More than 1 piece" or "More than 1 fruit", the portion was being calculated incorrectly for these FLTs: Banana chips, Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries.
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Using the MS file, identify records where the response for the variable FruitPortionWhole = More than 1 piece or More than 1 fruit AND the entry in FoodListTerm and FruitType matches one listed in Table 1.
Using Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum from step 1, identify affected records in the INF/INFMYPHEI file.
Multiply values in HowMany, FoodAmt, and all nutrients/components by the multiplier shown in Table 1 for the affected FoodListTerm.
Table 1
FoodListTerm Variable 1 Variable 2 Foodcode Multiplier FruitType FruitPortionWhole Banana chips More than 1 piece 62107200 0.1 Blackberries Cooked More than 1 fruit 63201110 0.1 Blackberries Canned More than 1 fruit 63201110 0.1 Blueberries Don't know More than 1 fruit 63203010 0.02 Blueberries Fresh or Raw More than 1 fruit 63203010 0.02 Blueberries Other More than 1 fruit 63203010 0.02 Raspberries Don't know More than 1 fruit 63219000 0.1 Raspberries Fresh or Raw More than 1 fruit 63219000 0.1 Raspberries Other More than 1 fruit 63219000 0.1 - In the INF/INFMYPHEI, replace the HowMany, FoodAmt, and nutrient/component values with the values calculated in step 2.
- In the TN/TNMYPHEI, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the INF/INFMYPHEI file for the affected UserNames and ReportingDates.
- In the TNS, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the values in the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the TN file and those in the TS file.
- Error Number
- 27
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012, ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- For tea FLTs, when a 2 fluid ounce mug was reported and the response was More than 1 mug, the amount was being calculated incorrectly
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps below:
- Review MS output file to identify Username, ReportingDate and FoodNum where Variable 'TeaContainerSize' has response = 2 fluid ounces AND Variable 'TeaPortion' has Response = More than 1 mug.
- Locate the affected Username, ReportingDate, and FoodNum in the INF/INFMYPHEI and multiply the values for HowMany , FoodAmt, and all nutrient/component values by 2.
- In the INF/INFMYPHEI files, replace the HowMany, FoodAmt, and nutrient/component values with the values calculated in step 2.
- In the TN/TNMYPHEI files, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the INF/INFMYPHEI file for the affected UserNames and ReportingDates.
- In the TNS, replace nutrient/component values with the sum of the values in the newly calculated values for each nutrient/component in the TN file and those in the TS file.
- Error Number
- 26
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- Lemonade (regular) reported as frozen concentrate and not made according to directions had a frozen concentrate (not reconstituted) foodcode and the portions for some reports were being calculated incorrectly.
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue26 [XLSX - 19 KB]. These steps have a correction to foodcode, FoodAmt and all nutrients/MYPHEI values.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue26 [XLSX - 19 KB]. These steps have a correction to foodcode, FoodAmt and all nutrients/MYPHEI values.
- Error Number
- 25
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012, ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- Errors in portion data exist for two juice FLTs reported as 'More than 1 cup': Aloe vera juice, Strawberry juice
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue25 [XLSX - 15 KB]
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue25 [XLSX - 15 KB]
- Error Number
- 24
- ASA24 Version Affected
- SA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012, ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- Errors in portion data exist for various juice FLTs reported as 'added to another food': Aloe vera juice, Capri-Sun, Pomegranate juice, Squeeze-It, Strawberry juice, Sunny Delight, Tamarind drink, Tang, Tangerine juice, Tomato juice, V8 Juice, V8 Splash, Vegetable juice, Watermelon juice, Wyler's
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue24 [XLSX - 32 KB]
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue24 [XLSX - 32 KB]
- Error Number
- 23
- ASA24 Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012, ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Short Description
- Errors in portion data exist for various milk FLTs: Evaporated milk, Goat's milk, Lactaid milk, Lactose reduced milk and Coconut milk.
- Identified Date
- September 2016
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue23 [XLSX - 19 KB]
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should identify any data with errors and make corrections to all recalls collected using the steps in the file Issue23 [XLSX - 19 KB]
- Error Number
- 22 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Portion responses out of order for a number of categories, notably Breads.
- Identified Date
- September 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Responses order corrected in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 21 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Response inconsistencies.
- Identified Date
- October 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Responses corrected in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 20 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Images missing for size responses for several foods.
- Identified Date
- October 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Images added in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 19 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Missing response "Don't know" from several pathways.
- Identified Date
- October 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Response added in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 18 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Respondent unable to select portions for wedges of lemons and limes.
- Identified Date
- March 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Attributes corrected in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 17 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Selection of multiple items not allowed for baby food categories and ice cream sundaes.
- Identified Date
- March 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Attributes corrected in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 16 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- ASA24 version affected:
- ASA24-2014, ASA24-2014-Kids, Canadian ASA24
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Selection of certain foods in response to "did you add anything to the food?" resulted in ASA24 freezing.
- Identified Date
- August 2014
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Addition responses corrected to enable selection of items.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- None
- Error Number
- 15 (Fixed as of 11/14/2014)
- Error Category
- Database error
- Short Description
- Database contained portion code for previous version of FNDDS; proper weights were applied during processing, but output files contained new portion code and old multiplier; this could result in errors if any recalculation were done outside ASA24 by a Researcher. Affects salty snack chip foods.
- Identified Date
- October 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Attributes corrected in the probe database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- No action needed unless researcher plans to recalculate nutrients outside the ASA24 system. If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 11/14/2013, Researchers may request analysis files by sending an ASA24HelpDesk@westat.com.
- Error Number
- 14 (Fixed as of 12/16/2013)
- Error Category
- Analysis error
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Database error prevented inclusion of Unfound Supplement name and portion in INS file.
- Identified Date
- October 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Attributes in the probe database were corrected. Recalls were reprocessed as of 12/17/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 12/17/2013, researchers should request analysis files again using the Researcher Website.
- Error Number
- 13 (Not fixed)
- Error Category
- Analysis Error
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- When more than 3 eggs are reported for omelet food items where more than 1 omelet is reported, only 1 egg is considered in the overall calculation.
- Identified Date
- September 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- This issue will be corrected in the next version of ASA24.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should multiply resulting individual nutrients in the INF file by the number of eggs reported in the "EggNumberOmelet" row in the MS file.
- Error Number
- 12 (No correction possible in current version)
- Error Category
- Analysis Error
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Processing error prevents proper calculation of ingredient amounts for Nachos prepared by the respondent (FLT=Nachos(self-prepared)).
- Identified Date
- June 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- This issue will be corrected in the next version of ASA24.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should use the following steps to identify incorrect data and make corrections.
- Review the MySelections output file (MS) to locate foods where the food list term equals "Nachos(self prepared)."
- Matching the UserName, IntakeDate, and FoodNum for the FLTs identified in Step 1, locate rows in the INF/INFMYPHEI files with a food code listed in ASA24CorrectionNachos [XLSX - 28 KB] [CSV - 17 KB].
- Multiply the integer of the response to MexFoodAmt(from the MS file) for each affected intake and food number by the nutrient/component values in ASA24CorrectionNachos.
- Replace the missing nutrients in the INF/INFMYPHEI files for the selected intake/food number with the values calculated in step 2 above.
- Correct the TN/TNMYPHEI total files by summing the values for each nutrient/component for the affected Usernames/recalls.
- Error Number
- 11 (No correction possible in current version)
- Error Category
- Analysis Error
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- the ASA24 system does not present the entire question pathway for multi-component foods (such as meal replacement beverages/protein powder, sandwiches, and salads) reported as an addition to another food.
- Identified Date
- June 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- This issue will be corrected in the next version of ASA24.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- Researchers should use the following instruction to identify incorrect data and contact the ASA24 HelpDesk for guidance.
Review the MySelection output files to locate foods for which the food list term equals one of the FLTs in the ASA24CorrectionMIFoods [XLSX - 13 KB] [CSV - 1 KB] AND the value for FoodType=2 (meaning it was an addition to another food).
- Error Number
- 10 (Fixed as of 6/12/2013)
- Error Category
- Analysis Error
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Database error prevented correct analysis processing of hot dog and Gardenburger sandwiches.
- Identified Date
- June 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Attributes in the probe database were corrected. Recalls were reprocessed as of 6/19/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 6/19/2013, Researchers should request analysis files again using the Researcher Website.
- Error Number
- 9 (Fixed as of 06/13/2013)
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Errors in portion data have been reported for various foods.
- Identified Date
- April 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Portion size data were corrected in the ASA24 database. Recalls were reprocessed as of 6/19/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 6/19/2013, Researchers should request analysis files again using the Researcher Website.
Several errors in portion data have been corrected in the ASA24 database. Corrections affected the following food categories and food list terms (FLTs). FLTs are the terms the Respondent selects to report foods and beverages:
- Wine: Wine (light), Wine (nonalcoholic), Wine (rice).
- Breadsticks (large sizes only): breadsticks, Little Caesars Crazy Bread, Pizza Hut breadsticks.
- Burgers: Jack-in-the-Box Hamburger with Cheese; McDonald's Big N'Tasty with Cheese.
- Burgers: for all FLTS where ingredients were collected separately, one affected ingredient (refried beans).
- Candy: Dover Chocolate Promises
- Cheese (cups of cubed or shredded cheese only): most FLTs.
- Crackers: peanut butter filled crackers.
- Creamers (only for portions "More than 6 tablespoons"): all FLTs.
- French fries (only for fast food items): all FLTs.
- Ice cream: all FLTs but only pathway for sugar free ice cream; ice cream cones from fast food restaurants.
- Pork(only for "don't know" and "more than ..." responses): 9 FLTs
- Pizza(only for personal size pizzas): most FLTs
- Salads: FLTS where ingredients were collected separately; affected ingredients: vegetables other than lettuce, fruit, nuts/seeds, croutons.
- Sandwiches: Arby's Grilled Chicken Deluxe; Subway Roasted Chicken Breast Sub; Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich.
- Supplements: 163 FLTs affected, out of 2160 total FLTs (~8%).
- Error Number
- 8 (Fixed as of 05/30/2013)
- Error Category
- Incorrect nutrient data
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Desciprtion
- USDA has posted a corrected caffeine value for Monster Energy Drink.
- Identified Date
- May 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Nutrient data for caffeine were corrected in the ASA24 database. Recalls were reprocessed as of 6/19/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 6/19/2013, Researchers should request analysis files again using the Researcher Website.
- Error Number
- 7 (Fixed as of 05/30/2013)
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Missing portion size questions for rye bread in vegetarian sandwiches may have resulted in missing nutrient data when vegetarian sandwiches were reported.
- Identified Date
- March 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Researchers should use the following steps to identify any missing data and make corrections to all recalls collected on or prior to 05/30/2013 using the following steps:
- Suggested Researcher Action
Researchers should use the following steps to identify any missing data and make corrections to all recalls collected on or prior to 5/30/2013 using the following steps:
- Review the MySelections output file to locate foods for which the food list term matches any of the terms included in the tab 'VEG FLTs' in ASA24CorrectionVegSandwich [XLSX - 9 KB] [CSV - 1 KB].
- For the FLTs identified in step 1, locate FLTs where SandBread = 'Rye bread.'
- Multiply the integer of the response to VSandTotalPortion for each affected intake and food number by the nutrient/component values on tab 'Rye bread values' in ASA24CorrectionVegSandwich.xlsx.
- Replace the missing nutrients for the selected intake/food number with the values calculated in step 2 above.
- Correct the TN/TNMYPHEI total files by summing the values for each nutrient/component for the affected UserNames/recalls.
- Error Number
- 6 (Fixed as of 03/08/2013)
- Error Category
- MPED Corrections
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- USDA has identified errors in the MyPyramid Equivalents Database (MPED) for three pizza food codes.
- Identified Date
- February 2013
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Values for two MyPyramid Equivalent groups have been updated: G_TOTAL (total grains) and G_NWL (non-whole/refined grains). The three food codes are: 58106210 Pizza, cheese, NS as to type of crust; 58106220 Pizza, cheese, thin crust; 58106230 Pizza, cheese, thick crust. Recalls were reprocessed as of 03/15/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 03/16/2013, Researchers should request analysis files again using the Researcher Website.
- Error Number
- 5 (Fixed as of 03/08/2013)
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Errors in portion data for various foods
- Identified Date
- December 2012
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Portion data were corrected in the ASA24 database. Recalls were reprocessed as of 03/15/2013.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 03/16/2013, Researchers should request analysis files again.
- Error Number
- 4 (Fixed as of 03/08/2013)
- Error Category
- Missing nutrient data
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Portion questions were missing for some salami sandwiches.
- Identified Date
- December 2012
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Portion data were corrected in the ASA24 database.
- Suggested Researcher Action
Researchers should use the following steps to identify any missing data and make corrections to all recalls collected on or prior to 03/08/2013 using the following steps:
The question pathway for sandwiches containing salami stopped prematurely before the portion question was asked; this resulted in in a missing portion code. These rows display a FoodCode, but have '0' for HowMany and '9' for PortionCode. Nutrient and food group values will be missing. Follow these steps to correct:
- Review the MySelections output file to locate instances for which the Response field for the Variable OthSandMeatKind is "Salami (regular)".
- For the selected FoodNumber, multiply the response to OthSandPortion by the HowMany and all nutrient and component values in the ASA24CorrectionSalami.xlsx[BM2] file. The portion in the ASA24CorrectionSalami file [XLSX - 10 KB] [CSV - 2 KB] is the default (Quantity Not Specified) amount from FNDDS.
- Locate the corresponding row with missing nutrient/component values in the INF or INFMYPHEI file by matching UserName, IntakeDate, and FoodNumber.
- For the selected FoodNumber, replace the HowMany and all nutrient and component values with the values calculated in number 4 above. The PortionCode may be replaced with the PortionCode in the ASA24CorrectionSalami file.
- Correct the TN/TNMYPHEI total files by summing the values for each nutrient/component for the affected UserNames/recalls.
- Error Number
- 3 (Fixed as of 12/05/2012)
- Error Category
- MyPyramid Equivalents Database Corrections
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Coconut products are no longer counted in the Nuts and Seeds group by USDA.
- Identified Date
- September 2012
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Three MPE values have been updated in the ASA24 database: M_NUTSD (Nuts and Seeds, DISCFAT_OIL (Discretionary oil), and DISCFAT_SOL (Discretionary solid fat). Recalls were reprocessed as of 12/20/2012.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 12/21/2012, Researchers should request analysis files again.
- Error Number
- 2 (Fixed as of 12/20/2012)
- Error Category
- MyPyramid Equivalents Database Corrections
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- USDA has identified errors in the MyPyramid Equivalents Database Addendum for two water food codes.
- Identified Date
- November 2012
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Values for two MyPyramid Equivalents groups have been updated: A_BEV (Alcoholic beverages) and ADD_SUG (Added sugars) for two food codes. The food codes affected were 94100300 (Water, fruit flavored, sweetened, with high fructose corn syrup and low calorie sweetener) and 94210200 (Glaceau water). Recalls were reprocessed as of 12/20/2012.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 12/21/2012, Researchers should request analysis files again.
- Error Number
- 1 (Fixed as of 11/28/2012)
- Error Category
- Supplement calculations
- Version Affected
- ASA24-2011, ASA24-Kids-2012
- Short Description
- Incorrect conversion factors affected the calculation of several supplement values.
- Identified Date
- November 2012
- Corrective ASA24 Action
- Conversion factors were corrected. Recalls were reprocessed as of 12/20/2012.
- Suggested Researcher Action
- If output files were requested and downloaded prior to 12/21/2012, Researchers should request analysis files again.
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