New US versions of ASA24 are typically released every two years, to incorporate underlying biennial food and nutrient databases from the United States Department of Agriculture. New versions of ASA24 may also include additional functionalities and/or updates to the user interface.
Note: The current Canadian version of ASA24 is ASA24-Canada-2018 and the current Australian version of ASA24 is ASA24-Australia-2016.
As with all versions since the release of ASA24-2016, the ASA24-2024 respondent website uses a responsive design, allowing it to be used on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. This allows study participants to enter dietary intake data at any time and from any location with Internet service.
The following features are new to the 2024 version of ASA24:
- New portion size food images have been added for some popular foods.
- Nutrient, food group, and supplement databases were updated to include:
- Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) 2019-20
- Food Patterns Equivalents Database (FPED) 2019-20
- NHANES Dietary Supplement Database (DSD) 2019-20
- Spanish translation updates including:
- General Updates
- The translation of “Granos” for ‘beans’ was updated to “Frijoles”
- The translation of “Refrigerios” for ‘Snacks’ was updated to “Bocadillos (Snacks)”
- The translation of “Anotar una comida” for ‘Report a meal’ was updated to “Informar sobre una comida”
- The translation of “Platos principales y entrants” for ‘main courses’ was updated to “Platos principales”
- Respondent Nutrition Report Updates
- The translation of “Impresion” for ‘print’ was updated to “Imprimir”
- “Amamantamiento?” for ‘Breastfeeding’ updated to “¿Está amamantando?”
- ‘Cancelar perfil nutricional’ for ‘cancel nutritional profile’ was updated to “Si sale de ASA24 ahora, no podrá generar un perfil de nutrición más adelante. ¿Está seguro de que quiere salir?”
- ‘Perfil nutricion’ for ‘nutritional profile’ was updated to “Le gustaria ver su perfil nutricional para el dia (s) sobre el cual acaba de informar?”
- Sleep Module Updates
- “Por favor entre 0 si no se despertó” for ‘please enter 0 if you did not wake up’ was updated to “Por favor, anote 0 si no se despertó”
- The translation of “Refrescado” and “Algo refrescado” for ‘rested’ and ‘somewhat rested’ was updated to “Descansado” and “Algo descansado”
- General Updates
Other features of ASA24-2024 include:
- The user interface is written in HTML5. This enables ASA24 to work on all common web browsers.
- Respondents can complete single- or multi-day food records (also known as food diaries) and 24-hour recalls.
- Supplement intake is collected at the same time as foods and beverages, rather than in a separate module. This allows participants to report supplement intake as part of what they consume on a given day, with corresponding time stamps that may be useful in examining patterns of intake across the day.
- Researchers have the option to provide respondents with a Respondent Nutrition Report, which shows how their intake on the day they completed a 24-hour recall or food record compares to country-specific dietary guidance and nutrient requirements. A new page was added to the RNR for the US version of ASA24-2022 in November 2023. This page compares nutrient intake from foods and drinks vs. supplements.
- Respondents can build recipes and use these recipes in subsequent intakes.
- A sleep module is available in the ASA24-2024. Researchers have the option to ask respondents about sleep timing, duration, and quality. This will allow them to examine the associations between sleep and dietary intake, timing of eating, and other variables in the context of the 24-hour day.
- Tips and guidance are available within the respondent website via a Help Center and icons on the screen; and instructional videos and Quick Start Guides are available for study staff and respondents.
Learn more:
- System requirements and accessibility
- Methodology
- Evaluation and validation
- Register a study
- Help Guides for Respondents
Researchers using ASA24-2024: please contact the ASA24 Support Team with tips to include in future help guides. Use our online form to report bugs that are encountered using either the respondent or researcher websites.
View a detailed comparison of all versions of ASA24
ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.