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An official website of the United States government
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

ASA24® Help for Respondents



There is a brief user orientation presented to respondents when they log into use the ASA24 respondent website.

The videos and downloadable ASA24 documents on this webpage have been created by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as help guides for respondents using the Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour (ASA24) Dietary Assessment Tool.

When respondents are using ASA24, they can also obtain help through two different buttons in the ASA24 system:

Help button - used to access the Help Center where respondent can access frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Home icon - used to navigate back to the home screen where respondents can view all the foods, drinks, and supplements already reported


Reporting Foods, Drinks, and Dietary Supplements: These short videos, available in English and Spanish, give a demonstration of how to use ASA24 to report a meal for a 24-hour recall. Researchers are invited to copy the links to these videos and share the videos with ASA24 respondents. Please note: these demonstration videos were created using the 2022 version of ASA24 and do not include updates included in the 2024 version of ASA24.

ASA24: Reporting Foods, Drinks, and Dietary Supplements
Audio Described -- ASA24: Reporting Foods, Drinks, and Dietary Supplements
ASA24: Informes de alimentos, bebidas y suplementos
ASA24: Informes de alimentos, bebidas y suplementos

Coming Soon

Quick Start and Participant Help Guides

ASA24-2024, ASA24-2022, ASA24-2020, and ASA24-2018 Instructional Materials

ASA24-2016 Instructional Materials

Note: These instructions are still current for ASA24-Australia. All other 2016 versions of ASA24 have been retired.

Researchers that are using the ASA24 system are encouraged to contact the ASA24 Support Team if there are tips that should be included in future troubleshooting or participant guides.

Internet Browser Instructions

All versions dating back to ASA24-2016

All versions of the ASA24 system since ASA24-2016 are HTML5 applications and must be used with a recent version of a web browser capable of displaying HTML5.

See Web Site Policy for information on compatible browsers by platform and device type.

ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.