The following documents and files have been created by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as resources for study staff and Respondents.
- Quick Start and Participant Help Guides
These guides are a good first step in helping to describe the steps to complete 24-hour recalls or food records. They contain tips and screen shots and are available in English and Spanish.
- Researcher Instructions
Step-by-step instructions, including screen shots, for setting-up a study to collect 24-hour recalls or food records. Also included is information about data output and analysis.
- Resources for Funding and Ethics Applications
Provides an overview of the ASA24 system, including the methodology and features of the tool; addresses security and participant confidentiality issues; and includes numerous screen shots depicting the process of completing a recall or record.
- Sample Analysis Files and Data Dictionaries
Downloadable examples of ASA24 analysis files and data dictionaries describing each output from the ASA24 tool.
ASA24 is a registered trademark of HHS.